Our Homemade Soap Scum Remover

Ever since we founded Spotless Mind we have been searching for, creating and testing many different ways to naturally clean people’s homes. We were excited when we found a recipe for soap scum removal that worked so well that we didn’t need to test any other methods. The most exciting part was that we tried this one first!

We have since tweaked this recipe since the original doesn’t have the greatest smell and you need a mask to breathe through when you use it. We are pleased to inform you that the recipe we have finalized smells like peaches and cream!

Without further ado, Spotless Mind’s take on the best homemade soap scum removal recipe!

What you’ll need:

  • 4 liter jug of white vinegar

  • 6 Oranges (Manna or Navel)

  • Cornstarch

  • Sifter/strainer

  • Tablespoon

  • Orange Ultra Palmolive Antibacterial Dish Liquid

  • Whisk

  • Plastic bowl

  • Funnel

  • Spray bottle


STEP ONE: First you’ll need to add the orange peels to the vinegar. 6 or more. This works best if you have an empty vinegar jug to divide the vinegar in half so the peels don’t cause the vinegar to overflow. Otherwise, pour some vinegar out into another container to add later on.

After you have added the peels, be sure the vinegar reaches the top pf the jug so its’f full again. This needs to sit for at least 24 hours and up to two weeks before making the soap scum recipe. As you can see from the image above, we leave them in indefinitely and just keep adding more peels and vinegar as the product gets low. Eventually, there won’t be any room left in the jug and you’ll need to start a new one.

**For disposal, we cut the top of the jug open and soak the old peels in a bath of cold water for about two days. We then drain the sink and allow the peels to dry out a bit before composting them. We recycle or repurpose the jug.

Now that you have your orange infused vinegar we can make the soap scum remover!


  1. Pour 2 cups of orange peel infused vinegar through the sifter into the measuring cup.

  2. Measure 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Add Vinegar and cornstarch to the plastic mixing bowl. Whisk until it’s an even mix with no lumps.

  3. Put in microwave for 2 minutes on high.

  4. Measure 4 tablespoons of Palmolive dish liquid and pour through a funnel into the spray bottle.

  5. When the microwave stops, stir the hot mixture and carefully pour through the funnel into the spray bottle.

  6. If you aren’t using the spray immediately, don’t fully close it until it cools down.

This spray needs to be shaken before using as the cornstarch will settle. It’s purpose is to help the vinegar cling to showers and tubs but it also adds a bit of scrubbing power. We like to run hot water over the problem areas before spraying on the soap scum remover because it helps soften it and makes it easier. We normally just use a microfiber cloth to wipe the soap scum off but you could also use a scrub brush if you wanted to.

We love this stuff and it works so well we actually call it “soap scum eater” because of how easy it is and how little elbow grease is required to get a sparkling clean shower or tub!