How to Remove Antiperspirant Build Up from Clothes
/Usually it’s a white shirt with yellow armpits and it gets thrown away because it’s too embarrassing to wear in public. Many believe that they perspire too much or that they have gross stuff seeping out of themselves. The reality is that’s not you staining your shirt, it’s the aluminum in your antiperspirant. It doesn’t matter how clean you are, that aluminum is going to build up unless you take a few moments to follow these steps.
After showing you how to remove these stains, we will let you in on some preventative maintenance tips so that you never need to do this again. Your whites will stay white and your darks will not change colour.
What you’ll need:
Sodium Percarbonate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Small dish and a spoon
White Vinegar
Spray bottle
Scrub Brush or stain brush
STEP ONE: Lay down an old towel on the surface you’ll be working. Wet the garment in warm water, wring out the excess and lay it on the towel so that the stain faces upward.
STEP TWO: Mix up some sodium percarbonate and sodium bicarbonate in a small dish. NOTE - Sodium percarbonate is the active ingredient in Oxi Clean and sodium bicarbonate is baking soda.
STEP THREE: Spray a liberal amount of vinegar onto the stains. Using a spoon, sprinkle the mixture onto the the stains and press them into the garment with the back of the spoon. Leave this for 20 minutes. Spray with more vinegar and leave for an hour. Spray with even more vinegar and leave overnight.
STEP FOUR: Spray with some vinegar to wet the mixture back into a paste. Scrub with the scrub or stain brush. Add some hot water to a sink and dissolve 1 tablespoon of sodium percarbonate into the water. Allow it to soak for about an hour. Then scrub once more and launder as usual. You can also add more sodium percarbonate to the wash cycle and dry as you normally would.
The results are in…
This works on whites, too!
To prevent this stain from returning, we use Oxi Clean Max Force on our shirts after we wear them. Just spray on and toss in the laundry basket until it’s wash time. This solution isn’t 100% natural but neither is not sweating.
Never use bleach on your clothes. Bleach will enhance the yellow stains on white shirts and it will wear your clothes out quickly, basically eating through the fibers. Bleach is overkill on clothing.
This makes the task
of preventing future antiperspirant stains effortless