Regularly Cleaning Your Flat Iron
/Product Build-up
Performs inadequately
It doesn’t seem to take very long before the flat iron starts to look gunky. We’ve got some environmentally safe ways of cleaning them to share with you and it only takes a few minutes.
All you’ll need:
White vinegar
3% Peroxide
Cotton Swabs
Plastic scraping tool (debit card works)
Clean, damp cloth
***Do not turn the flat iron on or have it plugged in
Vinegar Swabs
will loosen and lift some of the old product away.
Step One: Dab some vinegar onto a cotton swab and rub it onto the burnt product build up. You can use a lot of pressure after a few passes and it will begin to lift free of its surface. Be sure to swab all of the areas that touch your hair.
Step two: Dab some hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton swab and rub it onto what’s left of the burnt product build up. You can use a lot of pressure again and even more will lift free of its surface, also swabbing all of the areas that touch your hair.
**If some areas are stubborn, you can use your plastic scraping tool to gently scrape it away, but be sure not to cram more gunk into any crevices in the flat iron.
Step three: Wipe down the entire accessory with a clean damp cloth. Leave to air dry for a few hours before using.
Show your flat iron some love by cleaning it regularly so it performs well and in return your flat iron will last you a lot longer, saving you money, creating less waste and will spark joy™ for you for many years to come!